Electronic Hookahs
Electronic Hookah: The Ideal Smoke for The Modern Age
When you want hookah flavors without the mess, an electronic hookah is just the thing to get you there. Electronic hookah, also known as electronic shisha or e-hookah, offers you the same quality smoke as your regular hookah but with a futuristic twist.What is an electric hookah? That's a question we hear a lot. Rather than carry around your giant hookah to satisfy your cravings, electronic hookahs offer you a low-key, affordable, convenient option for you to smoke hookah. Instead of using hookah charcoal to heat your hookah, an e-hookah uses a vaporizer that turns your e shisha into delicious vapor clouds.
What is an E Hookah?
Electronic Hookah is an alternative way to smoke shisha flavors without the need for a traditional hookah pipe. E Hookah comes in several forms including disposable hookah pens like vape pens, rechargeable electronic hookah pens, and e hookah heads. We also look forward to providing you with latest in hookah technology featured in the Ookah E-hookah device.
What is an E Hookah Head?
This electronic hookah option is used along with a hookah pipe for a more traditional style hookah smoking session but with the use of vape juice instead of hookah shisha. The vape mod style e hookah sits atop the shisha pipe like a hookah bowl and passes vapor through the hookah.