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Trifecta Blonde | Moro Zest

Trifecta Blonde | Moro Zest

By Amir / April 29, 2024

Trifecta Premium Flavored Tobacco

Trifecta is no stranger to providing supremely accurate flavor profiles but, more than that, some of their creations are so out of box they will leave your taste buds spinning. Moro Zest falls under this strange and wonderful category of flavors. We have all had our fair share of orange citrus flavors but few to none dare to venture into the realm of zesty bitterness. Moro Zest takes the ripe and sweet blood orange fruit and saturates it with the tartness of its own peel. The result is a slightly bitter, semi-tart citrus with mellow earthy tones and just a pinch of sweetness from the heart of the blood orange. True, it is not a taste for everyone, but if you enjoy unique flavor profiles it is a must try.

Best Hookah Supplies to use with Trifecta Blonde Shisha

Trifecta Blonde is a fairly juicy blend with a medium choppy cut that is light brown and natural in color as there are no additive dyes used. There is usually a few stems and such to deal with but nothing major. It can be packed various ways but I prefer to do a normal to not quite semi-dense pack in a Phunnel Bowl. Trifecta takes heat like a champ so you don’t have to worry about baby stepping around your heat management. It produced a strong flavor profile and thick clouds with both foil and HMD use. Heat management devices tend to bring out more of the sweetness so it is a versatile flavor in that regard as you can change the overall profile by how you pack it and what heat avenue you choose to use. Curious to see for yourself? Stop by today and check out this flavor as well as the whole selection of available Trifecta Blonde flavors in 250g containers. They are in the process of converting their containers from the rust prone tin to clear plastic containers with screw lids so keep in mind that, if you have the former, do not keep your tobacco in it by itself but, if you have the latter, you are good to go for long term storage with no extra preparation necessary.

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