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Tangiers Ololiuqui Shisha

Tangiers Ololiuqui Shisha

By Amir / April 29, 2024
Tangiers Flavored Tobacco Ololiuqui

Tangiers Shisha

Tangiers is one of those brands that leaves most hookah enthusiasts with that warm fuzzy feeling of love and devotion. It is revered for its innovative flavors and all natural ingredients and comes in a variety of different lines offering their own unique strength profiles and attributes. This tobacco is dark in color and finely shredded with a good balance of more tobacco than juice. It is usually recommended by most to use a phunnel style bowl with a dense pack for best results. On top of that, you want to take it easy with the heat. If you don’t overdo it and manage the heat properly, you can get a longer than average session with a taste that won’t deteriorate over time. That being said, it requires a certain degree of TLC that will more than likely take a couple of tries before really getting the hang of it. The only downside to this beloved brand is limited availability at times due to the fact that it is produced in small batches and the demand for it is pretty high.

Ololiuqui Flavored Tobacco: Outstanding & Out of the Ordinary

One flavor in particular is a personal favorite of mine: Ololiuqui. Though it may be troublesome to pronounce at times it is a fantastic flavor with a certain degree of complexity that makes it stand out above the rest. In its simplest form, it can be described as a root beer flavor and this is true. It has a very distinct spicy note reminiscent to sarsaparilla which was a main ingredient in the old school beverage. It is very apparent throughout the session and also the most prominent scent in the tobacco. But to say it was merely a root beer flavor does it a huge disservice as it has more layers than Shrek and his onions. It’s sweet and a little earthy with some floral undertones mixed with citrus notes. Needless to say, there is a lot going on here and you may be saying to yourself, “What?” Which is understandable because there is a lot of conflicting descriptions that don’t seem to pair very well together but it is simply not the case with this flavor. Everything blends together perfectly and results in a truly unique and fantastic flavor. It is too difficult to give it justice through words; it’s one of those flavors you just need to try to know what it is all about. Find out why Tangiers is so beloved amongst the hookah community by visiting and picking some up today!

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