At SouthSmoke.com, we know that setting up your hookahs and achieving a top-quality smoke session is not something that is mastered overnight. From first-time smokes to seasoned shisha professionals, there are many small tweaks you can make to ensure your smoking session is the best possible. And trying to achieve this level of the ultimate superb smoke should be a constant goal of hookah smokers throughout their lifetime.
Perfection is not something that is easily achievable, however. Smoking shisha is in itself an art form, and it can be extremely difficult to master due to the many variables that can affect hookah smoking sessions. Our goal at SouthSmoke.com is to ensure your smoke sessions are the best they can be. With this in mind, be sure to adhere to the number one rule of smoke a hookah:
No matter how experienced you are, there is always something that you can learn. Every hookah, bowl, coal, shisha will smoke differently and has its own quirks. Treat every smoke session as a learning experience. Try something new. See what works. The only way to fully understand a hookah, the shisha, each bowl, etc is to keep trying new things to see what works the best.
Now you may be thinking to yourself, “I’m the best at setting up quality sessions for my buddies and me. There’s nothing else I need to know.” Well, if that’s the case, congrats on being an awesome hookah smoker! But should you ever find your sessions beginning to plateau and you are curious as to how to mix things up and keep your smoke sessions fresh and full, look no further than your friends here at SouthSmoke.com for some helpful hints
We put together a huge list of cool tips and tricks that are sure to excite your friends and have them wondering how you became so awesome (don't worry, we won't tell them). Check out our list and try something new for your next smoke session! Or help out your fellow smokers. Maybe you have some crowd pleasing tricks up your sleeve that you don't see on our comprehensive list and want to share. Good luck and enjoy experimenting!