You’ve all been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Haze tobacco and the moment has finally come! is proud to offer the complete line of Haze tobacco at the most affordable prices around! If you are new to Haze or an avid smoker you will be happy to know we have the complete line available in the 50g, 100g, and 250g size. The full line of Jazze Pha and Cheech and Chong are here as well. The hardest question to ask yourself is which flavor you will buy first.
One crucial factor to smoking Haze tobacco is how you prepare it. In order to achieve optimal results, the method for loading a bowl of Haze is completely different than how you pack most other tobaccos. Fluff packing and over packing the bowl are the keys to a good Haze session. First, you want to loosely sprinkle the shisha into your bowl like you normally would do a fluff pack. However, with Haze you want plenty of tobacco in there. Don’t stop filling until it’s just starting to overflow over rim. Now with other tobaccos you might be starting to worry about a harsh session or burning the shisha. Haze absolutely loves heat and it will take everything you give it.
Once you have loaded the bowl you can cover it with foil. The shisha should be touching the foil. After punching your holes give the bowl a shake to loosen any tobacco and maximize air flow. You are now ready to load on the coals. If you normally use 2 coals then use 3 for Haze. If you normally use 3 then use 4. Give the coals 30-45 seconds to heat up the tobacco and give it a few hits to get the session going. All that is left to do at this point is sit back and enjoy! Remember, if you lose flavor or clouds after 30 minutes or so, chances are you do not have enough heat on there!