Fall-Themed Shisha Hookah Tobacco

Flavored Hookah Tobacco Perfect For Fall
Fall is a special time of year that is full of change. The leaves change, the weather changes—and we all change into our alter-ego for one night on Halloween, etc. So with all this change happening around us, why not switch up your flavored hookah tobacco in support of this awesome season? Having the perfect Halloween-themed glass hookah like The Dragon’s Lair won’t be perfect without Dragon’s Breath flavored hookah tobacco by Fantasia. Named after the dragonfruit, this hookah tobacco will definitely change the way you like to smoke. Instead of bringing the same old traditional dish to your family’s Thanksgiving dinner, why not rewrite that tradition and introduce Grandpa to pumpkin pie flavored tobacco? It’s just as delicious as the real thing, and Grandma will love you for it too due to there being no pie plates to wash afterwards.
Autumn Inspired Shisha Flavors
The following is a list of fall-themed hookah tobacco that are sure to keep the spirits up during the season! Ranging from super sweet to spiced, we guarantee they’ll change you into a big fan!- Starbuzz: Pumpkin Pie, Pirate’s cave, White Chai
Starbuzz flavored tobacco offer plenty of autumnal taste. The Pumpkin Pie and White Chai flavored tobacco are sweet ways to end a big meal, of course, while the Pirate’s Cave offers a kind of lime flavor which is just perfect for a Halloween Party.
- Fantasia: Pumpkin Spice, Dragon’s Breath, Magic Dragon
Just about everything’s Pumpkin Spice these days, so why not try the authentic-tasting Pumpkin Spice flavored tobacco? And when you’re ready for a taste with a little bite to it, try the Dragon’s Breath or Magic Dragon flavored tobacco.
- Al-Amir: Pumpkin Pie, Mocha Latte
These hookah tobacco flavors are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Finish up your Pumpkin Pie sesh with a nice Mocha Latte; these tobacco for hookah go great together!
- Fumari: White Gummi Bear, Red Gummi Bear, Spiced Chai, French Vanilla
If you didn’t get enough candy on Halloween night, now’s your chance to redeem yourself with White Gummi Bear and Red Gummi Bear hookah tobacco flavors! Or if you want something a little more traditional to curl up by the fire with, try Fumari’s Spiced Chai or French Vanilla tobacco for hookah.
-Al-Fakher: Café Latte, Cappuccino
Nothing’s more satisfying than a warm cup of coffee on a chilly autumn night—but now you can get the same with Al-Fakher tobacco hookah! Curl up with a Café Latte or Cappuccino session of tobacco hookah for fall flavors which are out of control.