Back to College We Go!
By Amir / April 29, 2024
Head Back to School With Your Hookah
All across the country young adults are headed to institutions of higher learning. Some are headed out into the real world for the first time and many more are back at it for the second, third, or fourth year. Besides furthering education, you also further your social skills and learn a great deal about how to interact with others and society. It is inevitable that college students will gather in groups to socialize and the majority of the time, there will be a hookah around. After all, that is what hookah is all about!RELATED - Back to School Survival Guide
Now a days, it's tough to find a college town that doesn't have a hookah lounge or smoke shop, but going to the lounge all the time on a college student budget doesn't really equate most of the time. This leads us into our one question test: What should you do then? Option A (the correct choice) is head over to our online hookah storeand check out the great deals we have to offer. See, our tests are the easiest and we even give the answers because we like you.RELATED: Back To School Guide: Essential Shisha Flavors
How to Safely Store Your Hookah At College
One of the main things to consider when purchasing your very own hookah while at college is storage. There is no need to bring unwanted attention from your RA or sticky fingers in the dorm.