Top 5 Ways Enhance Your Hookah Flavor Experience
By Amir / April 29, 2024

Five Top Ways To Add Flavor To Your Hookah Smoking Experience
If you are about to fire up the hookah then we've got a few things for you to experiment with. Ever wondered what adding something besides water to the vase of your hookah would do? It is pretty awesome and we have some great recommendations for you.- Ice - I like to fill my hookah vase with ice up to my usual water fill point and then fill the space with water. The smoke gets super smooth and thick. Let the vase heat up after you are done before cleaning it though. Taking glass from cold to hot fast will end in a shattered vase. This one goes well with anything.
- Frozen Fruit - When I add frozen fruit to my hookah vase, I prefer to add the no sugar added kind to keep the vase from getting as sticky afterwards. It does the same thing as the ice except it tastes like whatever fruit you add to it.
- Wine – I’m not a huge wine person myself but I have to say this one is pretty cool. It will add a wine flavor but expensive selections are not recommended. Adding wine to the vase isn’t going to get you drunk and you’re better off saving that high dollar bottle for dinner.
- Milk – So you definitely want to be careful not to add too much on this one. A little bit added to a majority of water can make any flavor have a creamier taste to it. Too much of it though and you will have it bubbling up and out your hose and hookah pipe. And be sure to clean your vase out completely afterward. You do not want the milk to spoil.
- Fruit Juice – I love this with the citrus flavors. Just make sure its flat if it was carbonated to start with. Fizz doesn’t go over well with hookahs. It’s hard to find a flavor you can’t mix some sort of fruit flavor with and make it taste great.